For more insight into how your subscribers are interacting with your email check out your reports. Every time you send out an email we'll provide stats and feedback about how your subscribers interacted with it.
To view email statistics, go to Messages and select the email (by clicking the name) from the list
In the reporting section, you will be able to:
- View Email- Preview what your email looks like on different devices by selecting “view email”
- Share on social– Create a social post with a link to your email
- Hosted Version Link- You can view the URL of the hosted version of your email which can be used to add the email to your social posts
- Download Email PDF- Download a PDF copy of your email
- Download Reports- Download the overall stats for your most recent email campaigns
On the statistics page, you will see valuable information about the email campaign you sent.
Create a List of Responders/Non-responders
In some cases, customers may notice that some recipients did not open the email (this could be for a number of reasons). If the first email did not capture as many recipients as you had hoped, you can try again by creating a list of the people who did not open the email aka “non-responders”.
- Select “list of non-responders” next to create
- You will be prompted to save the new list.
Note: if you picked the wrong email or type of list, choose “cancel” and you will return back to the reporting section
Follow the same process as above, but start by clicking on “list of responders”. This represents the people who have opened and/or clicked on something in the email. Before creating the list, you will be prompted to indicate whether you want the list to include both types of responders (clicks and opens).You can now tailor two different types of email campaigns to non-responders vs responders.
Autoresponder Reporting
Once an Autoresponder email campaign is activated, it will be sent out to new subscribers within at least fifteen minutes. The statistics tracked include number of emails sent and the number of emails opened and clicked on. The stats are recorded for as long as the autoresponder email is active.
Social Post Reporting
Social media post reporting will include information on your current numbers of followers and how many interactions occurred based on your last post. This will you will know how many of your followers are engaging with your content.