1. If you’re the administrator for your organization’s Deluxe eSignature account, you can access the Admin section from the top menu. From the main Admin screen, you can easily access and manage account information for your entire organization.
2. From the Subscription section, you can view your Deluxe eSignature plan details such as the amount of documents, number of recipients and signatures included in your account. You’ll also find information about the number of senders you can add to your account.
3. For customers integrated with Deluxe eSignature, the Integration section lets you configure notifications pertaining to events that take place in a transaction. Simply add your callback URL and callback key in the field to set up event notifications. You have the option to enable specific event notifications from this screen. Click Save to save your changes.
4. In the Senders section, you can invite senders from within your organization to become Deluxe eSignature users. In the ‘Invite by email’ field, simply enter the email address and click the envelope icon.
5. Delegate signing authority to any member in your organization by clicking on their name then assign signing authority rights to team members. Click the Assign Delegates option. As an example, if John is out of the office, you can grant Robert the authority to manage John’s account while he’s away.
6. You can also reset passwords for members in your organization, grant administrator rights to other members while you’re away, lock a sender, and delete or suspend senders from the account.
7. If your organization frequently sends transactions to a group of people, the Groups section allows you to create a group of individuals within your organization. Group members must be senders under the main account. Simply click the New Group button. In the dialog box, enter the group name and enter the email addresses to be included in the group. If a transaction is sent to a group of recipients, one of the recipients of the group will e-sign the transaction on behalf of the group to complete the transaction.
8. In the Custom Fields section, you can add a new field to be included as a signature field option. Once added, the new custom field can be accessed when you prepare a transaction for e-signature.
9. For basic account information, select My Account from the top menu. Here, you can edit personal information such as name, Company information, Phone number and address details. You can also change your password, and also create a handwritten signature.