Is mobile signing available in my account?
Yes! Mobile signing is available for all Deluxe eSignature accounts (signers do not need an account to e-sign documents). When accessed through a web browser on a mobile device, the UI and documents are optimally rendered, allowing for easy navigation during the e-signing process.
Is the mobile signing experience also available on tablets?
Yes! Signers can use their mobile phones and tablets to e-sign documents.
Can I send a document for e-signature from my smartphone or tablet using Deluxe eSignature?
Absolutely! The Sender UI in the Deluxe eSignature web application is completely responsive – no matter what device you use. Simply log in to Deluxe eSignature from your smartphone or tablet (via a web browser) and send documents for e-signature. You can also download our iOS app or Android app natively from your mobile devices.