Each email template consists of one or several Rows. User is allowed to add, move, copy, delete and manage rows.
To add a row to a blank email template user must click on the “Add Row” button at the main working area.
Or Drag and Drop COLUMNS tool from the main right-side tool bar.
Also, row can be added between two existing rows by Drag and Drop functionality or by selecting existing row and adding a new row before or after it.
Each row can be moved. To move a row the user should select the row, click and hold a “move” button and move the row to another place and drop it.
Each row can be copied. To copy a row the user should select the row, click on the “Copy” button (at the quick bar or at the main right-side bar) and the row will be past below the original row with existing content.
Each row can be deleted. To delete a row the user should select the row, click on the “Delete” button (at the quick bar or at the main right-side bar) and the row will be deleted with existing content.
In a floating bar user can adjust the row. There are Desktop and Mobile settings for rows. Desktop tab has all settings for rows, but Mobile tab has settings that are actual for mobile view.
Columns section divides selected row into selected number of columns.
Column Properties section consists of several tabs, each tab represent settings for each column.
Available settings for columns:
- Background Color
- Paleta
- Padding
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- Border
- Side
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- Color
- Paleta
- Type
- Solid
- Dotted
- Dashed
- Side
Row properties section has the following settings for each row:
- Background color
- Paleta
- Content Background color
- Paleta
- Background image
- select an image from the local PC
- drag and drop image
- Image URL
- Padding
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
Responsive design setting can be turned on or turned off.
Columns: It allows users to add columns to design in order to have a better design arrangement. Basically, Columns mean Row. When user adds a Column element to design a new Row will be added.
Column element has the same settings as a Row.
Heading: Add headings (from level 1-4) to the design. Heading element can be added to design to the existing Row only. If a Row is divided into several Columns the Heading can be added to each Column.
The Heading element has the following settings:
- Text:
- Heading Type
- H1
- H2
- H3
- H4
- Font Family
- List of available Fonts
- Font Weight
- Regular
- Bold
- Font Size in pixels
- Color
- Text Align
- Line Height in %
- Heading Type
- Links
- Inherit Body Style
- Yes
- No
- Color
- Underline
- Inherit Body Style
- General
- Container Padding
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- or single value for each side
- Container Padding
- Responsive design
- Hide on Desktop/Mobile
Text in Heading element can be adjusted with a quick tool panel. There are the following settings at the Heading quick panel: Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Superscript, Subscript, Insert/Edit link, Emotions.
Text: Text is a built-in tool so you can add text to your designs. Text element can be added to design to the existing Row only. If a Row is divided into several Columns the Text can be added to each Column.
The Text element has the following settings:
Font Family
- List of available Fonts
Font Weight
- Regular
- Bold
- Font Size in pixels
- Color
- Text Align
- Line Height in %
Font Family
Inherit Body Style
- Yes
- Color
- Underline
Inherit Body Style
Container Padding
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- or single value for each side
Container Padding
Responsive design
- Hide on Desktop/Mobile
Text in Text element can be adjusted with a quick tool panel. There are the following settings at the Text quick panel:
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Strikethrough
- Text Color
- Background Color
- Superscript
- Subscript
Insert/Edit link
- Open Website
- Send Email
- Call Phone Number
- Unsubscribe
- View Online
- Share on Facebook
- Share on Twitter
- Emotions
Bullet List
- Default
- Circle
- Square
Numbered List
- Default
- Lower Alfa
- Lower Greek
- Lower Roman
- Upper Alfa
- Upper Roman
Image: To make your emails attractive, you can add images using this tool. Image element can be added to design to the existing Row only. If a Row is divided into several Columns the Image can be added to each Column.
Image element has the following settings:
- Upload image
- Drag and Drop image
- Image URL
Auto Width
- Auto
- Manually
- Left
- Centre
- Right
- Justify
- Alternative text
Open Web Site
- New Tab
- Same Tab
Send Email
- Mail To
- Subject
- Body
Call Phone Number
- Phone
Open Web Site
Container Padding
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- or single value for each side
Container Padding
Responsive design
- Hide on Desktop/Mobile
Button: Add any type of button in your email. You can change colors and styles. Button element can be added to design to the existing Row only. If a Row is divided into several Columns the Button can be added to each Column.
Button element has the following settings:
Open Web Site
- New Tab
- Same Tab
Send Email
- Mail To
- Subject
- Body
Call Phone Number
- Phone
Special Links
- Unsubscribe
- View Online
Open Web Site
Button Options
- Text Color
- Background Color
Auto Width
- Auto
- Manually
- Font Family
Font Weight
- Regular
- Bold
- Font Size
- Left
- Centre
- Right
- Justify
- Line Height
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- or single value for each side
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- or single value for each side
- Solid
- Dotted
- Dashed
- Width
Rounder Border
- Top Left
- Top Right
- Bottom Left
- Bottom Right
- or single value for each side
- Round up value
Container Padding
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- or single value for each side
Container Padding
Responsive Design
- Hide on Desktop/Mobile
Text in Button element can be adjusted with a quick tool panel. There are the following settings at the Button quick panel:
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Strikethrough
Divider: It gives you appropriate spacing at any point they want in their design. Divider element can be added to design to the existing Row only. If a Row is divided into several Columns the Divider can be added to each Column.
Divider element has the following settings:
- Width
- Solid
- Dotted
- Dashed
- Weight
- Color
- Left
- Centre
- Right
- Justify
Container Padding
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- or single value for each side
Container Padding
Responsive Design
- Hide on Desktop/Mobile
HTML element
HTML : HTML is a built-in tool so users can add custom HTML to their designs. HTML element can be added to design to the existing Row only. If a Row is divided into several Columns the HTML element can be added to each Column.
HTML element has the following settings:
- Area to add/edit HTML code
Container Padding
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- or single value for each side
Container Padding
Responsive Design
- Hide on Desktop/Mobile
Menu: Menu is a built-in tool used to create navigation menus. Menu element can be added to design to the existing Row only. If a Row is divided into several Columns the Menu element can be added to each Column.
Menu element has the following settings:
Menu Items
- Text
Open Web Site
- New Tab
- Same Tab
Send Email
- Mail To
- Subject
- Body
Call Phone Number
- Phone
Special links
- Unsubscribe
- View Online
Open Web Site
- Delete item
- Add a new item
- Font family
Font Weight
- Regular
- Bold
- Font Size
- Text Color
- Link Color
- Left
- Right
- Centre
- Justify
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Separator
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- or single value for each side
Container Padding
- Top
- Right
- Left
- Bottom
- or single value for each side
Container Padding
Responsive Design
- Hide on Desktop/Mobile